No end in sight to the global sprint towards digital sovereignty in 2023 (and beyond)
No end in sight to the global sprint towards digital sovereignty in 2023 (and beyond)
Trend Report 5 / January 2023
By Katarina Vehovar
Katarina Vehovar is an intern at the oiip. She is a Slovenian alumna of Sciences Po Paris’s School of International Affairs (PSIA) and King’s College London who has been researching governance and practices of policymaking in contemporary Russia – as well as divergences in East-Central European states’ trajectories since 1991 more generally – ever since she first began university studies at Sciences Po in 2016. During her graduate studies of International Security in France, which were rewarded with a summa cum laude mention in 2020, she specialised in the evolution of Transatlantic relations, EU-China relations and politics in the Western Balkans.