The Eastern Question revisited - What can we learn from 19th century power politics in Europe for today?

The Eastern Question revisited – What can we learn from 19th century power politics in Europe for today?

17:30 - 19:00

Währinger Strasse 3/12, 1090 Wien

Link to the written summary

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, European power politics were largely dominated by the so-called "Eastern Question", the division of the territory of the dying Ottoman Empire. Rising nationalisms, territorial ambitions and the struggle for power and influence between Russia, the Western powers, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire fueled unrest, instability and conflict, ultimately leading to the First World War. Today, more than 100 years later, Southeastern Europe once again seems to be at the centre of European geopolitics and power politics. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Russia and the West have been engaged in an indirect struggle for influence in the region. They are joined by Turkey and new players such as China.

The panel will analyse the geopolitics of the region from a historical perspective. Where are continuities and disruptions in the power game? What are the fault lines along which tensions are developing? What can we learn from the experiences of the late 19th and early 20th centuries to avoid future crises and conflicts?

Zeynep Arkan Tuncel
Visiting Fellow oiip / Hacettepe University Ankara – Turkey

Philipp Ther
University of Vienna, Head of the Research Center for the History of Transformation (RECET)

Vedran Dzihic
Senior Researcher oiip

Muamer Becirovic
Author of the book “Clemens Wenzel von Metternich oder Das Gleichgewicht der Mächte“

Cengiz Günay
Director oiip

In cooperation with the Ministry of Defense.


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