Effects of the 7/10 attack on the international normative order

Effects of the 7/10 attack on the international normative order

Daniela Pisoiu
Senior Researcher

Policy Brief August 2024
Published in cooperation with the University for Continuing Education Krems
– UWK by Anya McCrimmon, Daniela Pisoiu und Laura Vendruscolo

The horrific attacks orchestrated by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, followed by Israel’s counter-offensive in Gaza gave birth to a number of controversies in the context of world politics. Recent discussions in the international relations literature claiming a progressive weakening of the international liberal order appear suitable for further exploration in the context of this developing conflict. In particular, this policy paper sets elements of the Israeli counter-offensive in Gaza against leading principles of international humanitarian law, the Genocide Convention and the international law duty of care of occupying powers. It finds initial indications of an apparent weaking of the international liberal order due to the prioritisation of security considerations in the West.

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