Clemens Binder
Affiliated Researcher
Clemens Binder is an Affiliated Researcher at the Austrian Institute for International Politics.
His research focus and expertise is on the European border and migration policy, critical security studies and politics of technology and security. In his PhD-project he investigates the intersections of the EU’s border security policy and the Research and Development of security technologies by applying interdisciplinary approaches of critical security studies and Science and Technology Studies. Further working topics of his are the role and practices of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) and topic of interior security, such as militarization of policing or cybersecurity.
- 2018-2023 PhD in Political Science, University of Vienna
- 2012-2016 Master of Arts in Political Science, University of Vienna
- 2009-2012 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, University of Vienna
- DOC-Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), 2019
- Marietta-Blau Stipend of the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD), 2019
- Since January 2018: Candidate for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science, University of Vienna
- 2012-2016 Master of Arts in Political Science, University of Vienna
- 2009-2012 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, University of Vienna
- International Studies Association (ISA)
- European International Studies Association (EISA)
- European Association for the Studies of Science and Technology (EASST)
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft (ÖGPW)
- Binder C., Haddad, C. (2019): Governing through cybersecurity: (re-)articulating control in the making of the digital society. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 44: 115-134
- Binder, C. (2017): Metternich 2.0? Surveillance and Panopticism as modes of authoritarian governmentality in Austria. In: Surveillance & Society 15(3/4): 397-403
- Binder, C. (2016): Happenings foreseen: Social Media and the predictive policing of riots. In: Sicherheit und Frieden 2016(4): 242-247
- Binder, C. (2016): Science, Technology and Security: Discovering intersections between STS and security studies. In: EASST Review 35(4): 86-89
- Binder, C. (2017): Border disputes through ill-defined borders: Territorial conflicts on sea and their impact on security. In: Günay, Cengiz; Witjes, Nina (eds.): Border Politics Defining Spaces of Governance and Forms of Transgressions. Springer International, 33-50
- Binder, C. (2016): Science as catalyst for deeper Arctic Cooperation? Science Diplomacy and the Transformation of the Arctic Council. Power Transition and Diffusion. In: Arctic Yearbook 2016, 127- 139
Non Peer-Reviewed
- Binder, C., Dzihic, V., Stachowitsch, S. (2018): EU Grenzpolitiken – der humanitäre und geopolitische Preis von Externalisierungsstrategien im Grenzschutz. oiip Working Paper Nr. 102
- Binder, C., Stachowitsch, S. (2017): Kritische Sicherheitsforschung. Ein Überblick. Oiip Working Paper Nr. 96
- Über die innere (Un)sicherheitspolitik der neuen Regierung, Gastkommentar, Der Standard, 21.12.2017
- Überwachung und das moderne Biedermeier, Gastkommentar, Der Standard, 7.6.2017