Type of organization

Type of organization

Type of organization

The Institute is a non-profit public institution overseen by an Executive Board of Governors consisting of  distinguished political leaders. A Scientific Advisory Board composed of prominent international figures also plays an important role in the functioning of the institute.

The oiip is a tax-privileged beneficiary pursuant to § 4 Z. 5 lit. e EstG (Austrian income Tax Act) 1988.

Board of Governors


  • Dr. Wolfgang PETRITSCH, President
  • Dr. Werner FASSLABEND, Vice-President
  • Dr. Ewa ERNST-DZIEDZIC, Vice-President
  • Dr.in Ingrid GAZZARI, Treasurer
  • Dr. Manfred MATZKA, Vice-Treasurer
  • Dr. Helmut BRANDSTÄTTER, Secretary
  • Dr. Nikolaus KOWALL, Vice-Secretary

Further Members

  • Dr.in Andrea Barschdorf-Hager
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr.in Ayşe ÇAĞLAR
  • Mag.a Muna DUZDAR
  • Dr.in Irene GINER-REICHL
  • Dr. Othmar KARAS
  • Botschafter Mag. Gregor KÖSSLER
  • Dr. Thomas MAYR-HARTING
  • Mag. Andreas SCHIEDER
  • Dr. Marcus STROHMEIER

Elected Auditors

  • Mag.a Renate BRAUNER
  • Sarah KIPARSKI, MSc

Advisory Board

  • Prof. Dr.in Claudia ARADAU (Professor of International Politics, King’s College London)
  • Prof. Dr. Florian BIEBER (Head of the Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz)
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich BRAND (Professor for International Politics, University of Vienna)
  • Prof. Dr. Dan HAMILTON (Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington)
  • Prof. Dr.in Elissa HELMS (Central European University, Vienna)
  • Prof. Dr. Fuat KEYMAN (Director Istanbul Policy Center and Professor of International Relations, Sabancı University)
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang MERKEL (Director Berlin Social Science Center)
  • Prof. Dr.in Kristina SPOHR (Professor of International History, London School of Economics / Senior Fellow, Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs, SAIS – Johns Hopkins University)
  • Dr.in Saskia STACHOWITSCH (Senior Research Fellow, Central European University, Vienna)
  • Prof. Dr.in Nathalie TOCCI (Director Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome)
  • Prof. Dr.in Annick WIBBEN (Professor, Swedish Defence University, Stockholm)