Liberal democracy under attack?
19:00 - 20:30
Zusammenfassung der Veranstaltung
Liberal democracy under attack?
Populism, nationalism, illiberalism:
The regression of democracy in East-Central Europe and the Balkans
Liberal democracy is no longer triumphing in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. In many countries we can observe illiberal and even authoritarian “temptations”, with illiberal political parties gaining power and control over societies. A peculiarity of the region are for sure the countries’ divergent conceptions of nationhood. For countries in East-Central Europe and the Balkans nationhood is rooted in ethnic and cultural homogeneity. As market globalization and unchecked migration have spurred fear among voters of a nationhood under threat, illiberal democratic leaders have gained power by pledging to defend it. While the return of illiberalism has revived talk of an East-West split in Europe, the crisis of liberalism and rise of populist nationalism are assuredly pan-European phenomena Are we facing the beginning of a historic decline in democracy and the new rise of authoritarianism? What exactly explains the rise of populism, nationalism and illiberalism in East-Central Europe and the Balkans? And finally, can the EU, the last elitist project in the age of populism, overcome its internal divisions and contain the illiberal drift?
Begrüßung & Moderation:
Dr. Caspar Einem
Präsident des Österreichischen Instituts für Internationale Politik – oiip
Dr. Jacques Rupnik
Senior Research Fellow, Sciences Po, Centre de recherches Internationales Paris
Datum und Uhrzeit:
Mittwoch, am 17. Mai 2017
19.00 Uhr
Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Sky Conference, 14. Stock
Am Stadtpark 9
1030 Wien
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