Lebanon – In the Eye of the Storm?
16:00 - 17:30
Summary Lebanon In the Eye of the Storm
Lebanon has repeatedly made headlines in recent years, mostly negative ones: the economic and financial crises finally culminated in the October 2019 protests. Since then, Lebanon has not settled down. What followed was a steady deterioration in living standards, including regular power outages and gasoline shortages, accompanied by rising inflation.
Will the recent parliamentary elections show a possible turnaround in a different direction? Where does Lebanon stand now, and how did this small Middle Eastern country maneuver itself into this crisis?
We will discuss these and other questions together with:
Jakub Jajcay
PhD candidate in History at the American University of Beirut
Nassim Abi Ghanem
Lecturer at Bard College Berlin
Yeghia Tashjian
Associate Fellow at Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs
Carina Radler
Cengiz Günay
Director oiip
This panel discussion will take place only online, here the Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82016267593?pwd=aHdtUG55eUhzRUNLdjRrVzFSZW1mZz09
In cooperation with the Ministry of Defence bmlv.
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