45th anniversary – Austrian Institute for International Affairs – oiip

45th anniversary – Austrian Institute for International Affairs – oiip

Happy 45th anniversary, oiip!


On 5th June 2024, the Austrian Institute for International Affairs – oiip, celebrated its 45th anniversary at Vienna City Hall.

Over the past 45 years, the institute has grown into Austria’s leading institution on international politics and a key player in policy-relevant research.

The oiip has developed into a platform for researchers from all over the world, a contact point for national and international media and for diplomats and international organizations.

Opening: Jörg Neumayer, MA (City of Vienna)

Welcome: Dr. Wolfgang Petritsch (President oiip)

Dr. Vesna Pusić (Former Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Republic of Croatia)

Politics: Between an Applied Science and the Art of the Possible

Professor Dr. Ayse Zarakol (Professor of International Relations at the University of Cambridge)
The international (Dis-)Order

Moderation: Dr. Cengiz Günay (Director oiip)

We would like to thank the City of Vienna for providing us with the hall for the celebration.

Find here the recording of the official part of the event: