Accountability of Corporations for Serious Human Rights Violations

Accountability of Corporations for Serious Human Rights Violations

18:45 - 21:00

Währinger Strasse 3/12, 1090 Wien

Programme Accountability of Corporations

CEHRI panel discussion:
7 May 2024, 6.45 p.m.

oiip – Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik
Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Währinger Straße 3/12, 1090 Wien


6.45 p.m. Refreshments
Please note that to enter the building after 7 p.m. you must ring the doorbell!

7.00 p.m. Welcome
Tatiana Urdaneta Wittek, Centre for the Enforcement of Human Rights International
Wolfgang Petritsch, Austrian Institute for International Affairs

Panel discussion
Moderator: Ralph Janik, Sigmund Freud Private University

Corporate obligations and due diligence standards under international law
Karin Lukas, Central European University

Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration
Ursula Kriebaum, University of Vienna

Individual and corporate criminal responsibility under international law
Astrid Reisinger Coracini, University of Vienna

The Lundin Trial in Sweden
Egbert Wesselink, PAX, The Netherlands

Access to remedy for victims of corporate human rights abuses
Rev. James Ninrew Kuong Dong, Chair of Liech Victims Voices, South Sudan

CEHRI – The Centre for the Enforcement of Human Rights International in cooperation with
PAX Unpaid Debt, Svenska Postkodstiftelsen and oiip