Refugee policy in the global south: The influence and power dynamics of development and humanitarian aid

Refugee policy in the global south: The influence and power dynamics of development and humanitarian aid

12:00 - 13:00

Währinger Strasse 3/12, 1090 Wien

The process of generating domestic refugee policy in low- and middle-income countries in the Global South is shaped by both internal political interests and politicians‘ reading of aid donors‘ preferences. Thus, both by omission and commission, development and humanitarian aid agencies play a significant role in shaping domestic refugee policies in refugee-hosting countries. This talk will provide an overview of the orthodox economic and sociological theories of development aid that reflexively shape how governments in East Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia conceptualize and implement their domestic refugee policies. To concretize this general overview, the talk will highlight recent research findings on how these reflexive politics play out in the lives of refugees, using examples from Colombia, Kenya, and Malaysia. These findings offer a way to better understand the challenges of creating coherent, rights-based domestic refugee policies in the Global South. They also offer a lens for critically reflecting on how countries in the Global North magnify these challenges with development aid policies that eschew human rights in favor of externalizing frontiers and pushing the burden of refugee management onto low- and middle-income countries.

Welcome and introduction:
Vedran Dzihic

Judith Kohlenberger
Vienna University for Economics and Business (WU)

Charles Martin-Shields
German Institute of Development and Sustainability in Bonn


This lecture is organized with the Austrian Academy of Science ÖAW.



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